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Knee Pain and Popping: Causes & Treatment

The moment you’ve reached your 40’s or perhaps approaching, you start witnessing certain pops and crack sound every time you stress on your knees. . It’s a common scenario and no one really pay heed to it considering it is just a part of growing old. Though you’re right, in most cases only pops and cracks knee joint is absolutely harmless; unless it is associated with pain and your knees starts hurting when you put sudden pressure on it or bend it.
It is always better to be sure than sorry. Isn’t it?

Pops and cracks in knee should not bother you; in general theory popping sound is produced when the cartilage, a tissue covering the bones glide with another bone while bending or squatting or perhaps a small gas bubble is formed around the knee joint that bursts on bending making a pop sound. However if you feel inconvenience while bending and unbending your knee joint followed by cramps you better be consulting an orthopedic. In later case the pops n cracks in knee happen  are due to worn out joints and wrecked tendons, and all these along with the excruciating pain of course suggests a knee injury on it making.

Do not overlook the symptoms but I would still say there is no need to panic. Instead you can opt for the following remedies to safeguard your knees from further damage.

  • Alter your diet to include more minerals, multi-vitamins and most importantly fish oil to counteract Inflammation; it is the root cause for joint problems. Combine it with a dose of natural antioxidant that improves the health of connective tissues.
  • Lack of elasticity in soft tissue is another cause for the pops and cracks in knee, which also suggest trigger points for joint stress. This marks the site for future knee injury; massage and soft tissue workout using a tennis ball and foam roller is helpful to restore integrity of ligaments and flexibility of knee joint.

Lastly stop straining your knee joint by abstaining from what hurts your knees or makes it pop.

Resham Lohat
Resham Lohat
Daddypad delivers the vital articles guides to entertainment, fashion, travel, technology, beauty, sports, education, health, english podcast, fitness, and food

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