Is Avocado Good for your Brain
Food Health Lifestyle

Is Avocado Good for your Brain

Avocados have been considered to have health benefits for being high in calories and fats, but its remarkable effect on the brain health cannot be side-lined. Just to relate Avocados are known as Makhanfal or Nashpati in colloquial languages and are extremely good for your brain. When we talk of brain health the first thing that we look at is enhanced intelligence by maintaining normal brain activities at peak and initiating good memory with speed fast recapitulation; this fruit does it all.
Besides the brain tonics marking Avocado as one of their predominant ingredient, several scientific studies also validates consuming avocado to be good for your brain, plus it helps fight varied diseases and keep brain function disorders at bay.
Let’s have a dig-in to know how this brainy fruit improves brain health
• Avocados are a powerhouse of vital elements which help lower the blood pressure and increase the blood flow in the body. This indirectly helps in blood reaching the nooks and corners of the brain increasing the mental ability to grasp information rapidly and process it in no time.
• Avocado contains Folic acid that is essential for a healthy brain and for maintaining the cognitive function, including memory.
• Avocado contains approximately 28 micro grams of Vitamin K and plays an important role in reducing the risk of stroke.
• Presence of Potassium in high amounts coupled with omega-3 fatty acids have shown positive response to prevent potential threat to getting affected by Alzheimer’s in old age as it slow down the progression of this brain disorder that impairs your memory.
• The good fats (Monounsaturated fats) prevent insulin resistance and curb the risk of type 2 diabetes.
• Avocado boasts natural chemicals that actually retain optimum brain functions; it’s simply good for your brain.
With all these vital nutrients packed in one fruit, no wonder it is rightly called as the ‘perfect slice of brain health’. So, it’s time to stock up your grocery with the goodness of this green butter fruit and reap its benefits!

Resham Lohat
Resham Lohat
Daddypad delivers the vital articles guides to entertainment, fashion, travel, technology, beauty, sports, education, health, english podcast, fitness, and food

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