Food Health

Eye Care Tips for Maintaining Good Eyesight Health

“I Looked In Her Eyes And Found The Gate To Her Soul.”

Your eyes have seen it all and yes, did it all too. From laughing to crying, your eyes have expressed your emotions far more conspicuously than your look itself. You give far too much to your eyes than what they can handle. Oh yes, those long hours of work on your computer, work load, bad lifestyle and even the lack of sleep are all working together to bring down the glaze of your pretty eyes. Before it is too late fellas, put away those reading glasses for a while and get to work putting some effort for your wondrous eyes.

Slice up a cucumber

Slice up a cucumber and besides binging on them, place them over your eyes and take some rest to let the cooling properties help your eyes.

Bounty tip- The juices also help in lightening up those under eye dark circles.

Pump out some

Pump out some rose water and dip cotton balls in them. Let the captivating fragrance envelope around your senses while the healing properties of the water do their job of curing your eyes of puffiness and tiredness.

Preserve used tea bags

Yea, you got that right. After you are done with your routine green tea, store the used tea bags in a refrigerator. Once they are cold enough, just wrap them around a tissue and place them over your eyelids. This therapy works best to get your eyes rid of puffiness.

Blink, blink, blink let your eyes get some kink

While working on a screen, make sure that you develop a forceful habit of blinking several times. Every once in 20-25 minutes, stare somewhere else than your screen and blink again. Your ability to focus shall improve steadily.

Take care of your gear

If using lenses for your eyes make it a point to change your solution daily. Every once in a while, wash your face and eyes with cool water which will help you relax.

Herbal Kajal or Kohl

Always, always use herbal kajal or kohl for your eye. Most unnatural kajals have chemicals in it. You must keep your eyes protected from these chemicals. There are some herbal kohls that keep your eyes protective for long.

Follow these tips every day for rejuvenated eyes that speak more beautifully.

Resham Lohat
Resham Lohat
Daddypad delivers the vital articles guides to entertainment, fashion, travel, technology, beauty, sports, education, health, english podcast, fitness, and food

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