Health Lifestyle

Avoid Morning Back Pain

Many people often complain about stubborn back aches after getting out of bed in the morning. The problem of back pain is almost universal and omnipresent. People tend to suffer a bad day owing to the pain which never seems to release them. As per the recommendation of some renowned doctors, the first thing that you should be indulging in before getting out of bed is some essential stretch exercises. Immediately hitting the ground upon waking up can cause some really serious trouble for your back. Follow this regime of back exercises to ease your daily routine.

For the low back

• Simple to do, this stretch requires lifting of both legs to the chest.
• Start by bending one leg mid air and bringing it to your chest.
• Hold with your hands while doing the same with the other knee.
• Hold yourself in this position for a minute.

For the buttocks

• Raise your legs mid air.
• Lift your left leg and cross it over your right.
• With both hands, pull your right leg towards the chest.
• You should be able to feel a stretch on your left side buttock.

Pelvic tilt

• Lay down on your bed and bend your knees.
• Raise your lower back in the air.
• Tighten your abdominal muscles and remain in the position for 10 seconds.
• Relax and pull down your lower back flat on the bed.
• Repeat the stretch again 5-10 times.

For your knees

• Lie down on your back with legs straight.
• Pull one knee towards your chest.
• While doing so, try to push your lower back against the floor.
• Raise your head and try to touch your forehead with the knee.
• Remain in this position for 5 seconds and repeat again with the other leg.

Buttock stretch

• Lying flat against your back, keep your legs straight.
• Raise your left leg and cross it over the right one, stretching towards the other side as much as you can.
• Keep your face towards the opposite side to maximize the effect of the stretch.

Resham Lohat
Resham Lohat
Daddypad delivers the vital articles guides to entertainment, fashion, travel, technology, beauty, sports, education, health, english podcast, fitness, and food

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